Rentals Curriculum  




Restoration of the Pinto Abalone

Washington state is full of many treasures, and the native abalone is among the greatest. At a small abalone nursery in Port Gamble baby abalone are being grown for re-introduction into the wild. Approximately 1,200 animals reared in this facility were outplanted into Puget Sound, representing the most substantial abalone recovery effort to date in Washington. Pinto abalone - the only abalone species native to Washington - may be at risk of becoming extinct. The natural population has plummeted over the last several decades and there are too few abalone in the wild to successfully reproduce. The goal of this multi-faceted abalone recovery program is to increase densities in the wild and build sustainable populations of this important species for the future. This film showcases different aspects of recovering abalone populations in Washington state from spawning adult brood animals, to tending juveniles during months of grow-out, to careful reintroduction into the wild. It is a big undertaking involving conservation genetics, state-of-the-art hatchery rearing techniques and substantial collaboration between scientists, resource managers, tribes and community groups.

Running TIme: 24 Minutes - Standard DVD $17 - Blu-ray $18

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